how to script my own "pause" button for windows media player?



I want some way to create a shortcut button to pause windows media player. My keyboard doesn't come with a puase/play button, so I want to find a free way to mimic that.

Alexander Bird

Posted 2012-11-08T16:33:32.207

Reputation: 1 697



The following autohotkey script worked for me:

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Recommended for catching common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.


But this answer also covers other options

Alexander Bird

Posted 2012-11-08T16:33:32.207

Reputation: 1 697


You don't necessarily need to use AHK and keep it running (unless of course you're using it for other reasons as well). A key remapper app like SharpKeys should also be able to help, by allowing you to remap any unused key to act as Play/Pause:


This way, no extra process needs to keep running in the background.


Posted 2012-11-08T16:33:32.207

Reputation: 51 857