I have a HP desktop for development work that I picked up at local supermarket, its Quad core, 2gb RAM, onboard NVidia graphics etc.. pretty much run of the mill. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit RTM.
I created a boot/active/main partition c:\ with 80GB and this is where my windows, apps, settings sit. It would take days to get back to where I am now with all my registry hacks, development settings, and apps installed.
I want to do a full backup that I can if required I can restore onto a new system. This should handle the scenario of theft, fire and possibly I decide to go to a different country, sell the PC (after wiping) and buy a new PC on arrival somewhere else in Asia.
A few things I have concerns about: 1) The replacement system I buy will likely be different (as obviously specs and chipsets improve with time). I will stick with HP, Intel CPU, and Nvidia graphics if possible but as for everything else I cant say for sure (I dont work for HP).
Will I have any problems restoring the partition? I have a Technet subscription so activations should be okay or not (I belive I get 10 per key)?
Should I do a raw backup? Or is there another tool? What software do you suggest to do such a backup?
generally speaking, regenerating the SID doesn't matter (http://blogs.technet.com/b/markrussinovich/archive/2009/11/03/3291024.aspx)
– Steven Evers – 2010-06-21T21:22:34.320Acronis True Image also regenerates the SID, etc. – Umar Farooq Khawaja – 2009-10-30T12:48:59.413