Restore OS X desktop icon size


Somehow I changed the size of the icons at my desktop.

How can I restore them to their original size?

This is how they look now:

alt text


Posted 2009-10-02T22:13:09.383

Reputation: 3 691

You mean you don't like icons that take up half your desktop? ;) – Sasha Chedygov – 2009-10-02T22:36:14.593



You can change them back in the Finder menu. Click anywhere on your desktop and type Command+J this should bring the menu up. In versions earlier than Snow Leopard I believe the default size is 48x48. I think SL may be 64x64


Posted 2009-10-02T22:13:09.383

Reputation: 19 580

I realize later that I can do the two fingers pinching Doh!... – OscarRyz – 2009-10-02T22:41:57.170


the GUI way

Or go into the system prefs. and click on the blue guy in a blue circle," the disability icon", this lets you change the icon size in you're blind and also lets you enable a screen flash/


Posted 2009-10-02T22:13:09.383

Reputation: 261