I have the PS3 Eye web cam installed with drivers from Code Laboratories, which comes with a test program.
When I open the test program it shows a clear picture from the webcam. Every other program does not detect a webcam. The cam shows in my device manager and as installed correctly.
My question is, is there a flag or something like that I can set that will show Windows 8 that this device is in fact a camera and is working.
Here is a picture of the test program that comes loaded with the drivers and the windows 8 camera app.
I'm having the same issue here, as are some others: http://codelaboratories.com/forums/viewthread/984/ I just sent a message to the developers, but we'll see if they add in Windows 8 support anytime soon.
– LouieGeetoo – 12 years agoTry clicking the Devices tab, then PS3-EYE-CAM – or whatever it's called. – Biggles Cat5 – 12 years ago