For photos in Picasa 3.5 that Picasa does not detect any faces in, is it possible to mass assign People names to blocks of photos? You can do it on a per-photo basis but this is an untenable answer for large numbers of photos. If Picasa 3.5 detects a face but can't figure it out, it's super-easy to mass assign the People names. But if it doesn't detect a face at all, I can't figure out how to do en masse.
I'd suggest asking this in the Picasa 3.5 for Windows Google forum http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Picasa/label?lid=523d5991dbedd0cd&hl=en.
– Matthew – 2009-10-14T02:57:45.560It might be worth answering your own question (laying out the exact solution), and then accepting that... I'm still a little confused as to how you're doing it (but would be interested to find out). – jwaddell – 2009-12-10T03:17:08.193