GNS3 Dynamips error


When I'm trying to start dynamips.exe I'm getting the following error:


The procedure entry point PacketGetReadEvent could not 
be located in the dynamic link library packet.dll

I have packet.dll installed at my x32 and x64 system folders.

Aviel Fedida

Posted 2012-11-05T15:51:26.587

Reputation: 139

Do you have the correct version of packet.dll which goes with dynamips.exe ? It sounds like you have the wrong version, or a different library entirely. – Darth Android – 2012-11-05T15:54:51.320

Thank you for your answer Darth, Can you be more specific, As Where can i get the correct version or i do i know what is the correct version?... – Aviel Fedida – 2012-11-05T16:17:35.490

I don't know, it was more of a question along the lines of did you run the installer, and it gave you that when you tried to open it, or did you have to go find packet.dll on the internet, and you manually downloaded and copied it into the folder? dynamips.exe is looking for a particular function in packet.dll, but it can't find it, which usually means that you don't have the right packet.dll. – Darth Android – 2012-11-06T01:10:37.600

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