Windows 8 on Xen Citrix Server


I want to install a windows 8 pro VM on a Xen Citrix server,

So I'm looking for an iso file with licence for 64bit Windows8 Pro, but all I can find from Microsoft's website is the upgrade from previous versions

There is no earlier windows machine on this server, so I need a fresh new install, but I can't find it. I was wondering if anyone else has done this before. And if so how is the procedure? and where can I buy a copy of Windows 8?


Posted 2012-11-01T15:05:41.680

Reputation: 1 097



It is available from Amazon, NewEgg and many other reputable resellers in OEM and System Builder licenses. (OEM) (System Builder)

Note that the Full licnese was replaced by the system builder license / OEM license. You can browse the NewEgg options at their launching page:

I haven't seen it available for download from the Microsoft site (though that doesn't mean it isn't there hiding out).


Posted 2012-11-01T15:05:41.680

Reputation: 1 250

Are System Builder and OEM the same? If I don't want to sell this machine which I don't, can I still use the OEM version? or does it violate Microsoft's policies? – user893730 – 2012-11-01T20:26:57.710

You should use the system builder for your own systems. OEM is targeted towards resellers (though system builder allows it as well). – iivel – 2012-11-02T03:16:39.163