I would like to customize keyboard shortcuts in Google Chrome.
For example, I would like to map the key combination Ctrl+Shift+W to the command "Close Other Tabs" instead of right-clicking on a tab (default command).
Is there any setting in Chrome to set this combination to that command?
3Is there a way to remove keyboard shortcuts? I want to use the shortcuts built into Tumblr but it conflicts with the ones already built into chrome and none of the extensions I could find edit already existing ones... – Cyberson – 2015-04-22T00:14:36.663
1@wil Almost 3 years later, the "Close Other Tabs" command exists now in Shortkeys. – Mike Crittenden – 2015-07-28T03:32:21.830
Another option is vimium although I don't think it can actually rebind
– mgalgs – 2015-10-16T23:47:04.020C-W
.Ctrl + W is annoying when trying to search within nano on Fedora 26 Web Terminal :-/ – Spektakulatius – 2017-10-02T13:05:20.027
For Windows users looking for an answer that just works, this is the one: AutoControl Shortcut Manager
– Tim – 2020-02-22T00:09:22.1672
Have you tried searching the Chrome Web Store? If not, here's a link to a shortcuts manager extension - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/shortkeys/logpjaacgmcbpdkdchjiaagddngobkck
– VenkatH – 2012-11-01T09:19:32.4871@VenkatH Thank you for the hint ! Unfortunately, "Close Other Tabs" is not a command supported by the "Shortkeys" extension, so it does not fill my need. – wip – 2012-11-02T01:46:23.093