Ubuntu Synaptic Package Manager


could someone help me to find a solution for this problem,

when i start running synaptic package manager it gives me the following error:

E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct
 the problem. 
E: _cache->open() failed, please report.

command sudo dpkg --configure -a is tested on terminal as well. it gives following output:

root@kapia-laptop:/home/kapia# sudo dpkg --configure -a
dpkg: status database area is locked by another process


Posted 2009-10-01T10:20:06.360


2Just reboot, all open dpkg processes will be closed... :) Then open synaptic again – Pit – 2009-10-01T11:55:17.437



that means you have already an process of dpkg running, either as synaptic, update manager or apt-get/aptitude

as a last resort, if nothing works you can try deleting the lockfile /var/cache/apt/lock, but be careful, this can potentially corrupt your package database


Posted 2009-10-01T10:20:06.360

Reputation: 3 452

1or there could be a stale lockfile? – None – 2009-10-01T10:26:24.570

it's my experience this is the correct general case -- i've left aptitude running in another terminal and forgotten about it. if ps doesn't show any other dpkg/synaptic/aptitude processes running on the system, assuming the lockfile to be stale may be reasonable -- but i'd try rebooting before manually removing the lockfile. just in case. – quack quixote – 2009-12-23T08:18:42.790


When you running sudo dpkg --configure -a be sure, you have closed synaptic package manager, autoupdate dialog and all other software related to packages. Only one instance at time can work with packages database.


Posted 2009-10-01T10:20:06.360

Reputation: 561

2No it shouldn't. linux != server (at least not all the time). – TJ L – 2009-10-30T19:07:24.573


If it's an option, I'd just reboot. Let Linux do it's thing and close the programs properly for you. Either reboot through the graphical interface, or open terminal and run sudo reboot or sudo shutdown -r now. Upon rebooting, run sudo dpkg --configure -a. If you are still getting errors regarding dpkg being locked, follow knittl's answer.

John T

Posted 2009-10-01T10:20:06.360

Reputation: 149 037