Will any monitor work with Windows 8?


I am almost ready to switch to Windows 8, but I have one last concern: Will any monitor work with Windows 8? I am using a Dynex TV as my monitor, and it worked fine with Windows 7. Will it work with Windows 8? What are the requirements of a monitor for Windows 8?


Posted 2012-10-28T17:15:25.670

Reputation: 381

It should work but just cross check with the manufacturer once. You can also see this link http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/compatibility/win8/CompatCenter/Home?Length=0

– pratnala – 2012-10-28T17:19:49.427

This doesn't seem like a dupe to me. The other question is specifically about the Snap feature, whereas this discusses any and all requirements Windows 8 might have with regards to the display. Voting to reopen. – Indrek – 2012-10-29T09:22:40.083



Windows 8 has two resolution requirements:

  • You need at least 768 vertical pixels to be able to use Metro apps at all. This means a resolution of 1024×768 or greater. Smaller resolutions will only be able to run legacy desktop applications.

  • You need at least 1366 horizontal pixels to be able to use Metro Snap (displaying two Metro apps on the screen at the same time). This means a resolution of 1366×768 or greater1.

1 Greater means more pixels in both dimensions. For instance, 1280×1024 is technically a larger resolution than 1366×768 based on sheer pixel count (1.3 megapixels vs. 1.0), but it's not wide enough to allow for Metro Snap.


Posted 2012-10-28T17:15:25.670

Reputation: 21 756

A friend of mine, who has the same monitor, just installed Win8. He said that the monitor is displaying the screen to widely... Thanks though. – Dynamic – 2012-10-28T17:33:28.633

Just want to add, you should also be able to connect the monitor with the interfaces your computer provides. Otherwise you'll need a conversion adapter or in the worst case another graphics card. – Tamara Wijsman – 2012-10-28T19:59:21.883