I have the following .vimrc:
set nocompatible " Use vim defaults
"set ls=2 " Always show status line
set showcmd " Show incomplete commands
set scrolloff=3 " Keep 3 lines when scrolling
set ruler " Show the cursor position all the time
set title " Show title in console title bar
set hid " Change buffer without saving
set showmatch " Show matching bracets
set ts=2 " Numbers of spaces of tab character
set sw=2 " Numbers of spaces to (auto)indent
set et " Tabs are converted to spaces, use only when required
set sts=2 " Soft tab stop
set smartindent " Smart indent
set autoindent
set nocindent
set wrap
set hlsearch " Highlight searches
set incsearch " Do incremental searching
And when I open vim from my Ubuntu 12.04 terminal, I see the colors of the scheme, but the background is the same that the one I open the terminal with. I would say the background should change, but I don't know why it doesn't.
Any help please?
Why do you think background should change? – ZyX – 12 years ago
Maybe because that's what's supposed to happen?
– romainl – 12 years agoWhat colorscheme? Does it have something like
hi Normal ctermbg=something
? What command to load the colorscheme? What's the output of$ echo $TERM
? – romainl – 12 years ago@romainl I don't understand, he doesn't have any
in his.vimrc
. why do you say it's supposed to happen? – none – 12 years agoIf your colorscheme defines a background color you are supposed to see it instead of the terminal's background color. That's why I also ask how he is loading his colorscheme and what it is since I don't see any colorscheme in his vimrc. – romainl – 12 years ago
But that's assuming he uses a specific, unnamed colorscheme. Of course, if he is only using the
colorscheme he won't see any change because **it doesn't define a background color". – romainl – 12 years ago