Possible Duplicate:
If I’m performing a an upgrade to Windows 8, do I have to have the previous version installed, or is just having the key enough?
I have a license for Windows 7 but don't have it currently installed anywhere. I bought the Windows 8 Pro Upgrade. Do I need to install Windows 7 and then upgrade or is there a easier way to install Windows 8 Pro Upgrade?
When I try to activate I am getting an error Code: 0xC004F061. Description: The software licensing service determined that the specified product key can only be used for upgrading, not for clean installations.
You must have a license copy of Windows to upgrade to Windows 8. If you don't then purchase the System Builder license. The error is clear, you can't use it for a clean installation, you are out of luck. – Ramhound – 2012-10-26T21:55:20.970