Apply font to words containing in custom dictionary in MS Word


I'm wondering if I can apply a specific font to a custom dictionary in MS Word? That way, if I add a new word to that dictionary, the font will apply to it automatically.


Posted 2012-10-25T21:49:15.373

Reputation: 121



Very similar question over at StackOverflow, so I provided an answer there. It can be done with a VBA module. The downside is you have to relocate your custom dictionary, which means you'll have to make future modifications by hand (e.g., using Notepad).

Check out my detailed response here:

Hope that helps!

Edit: I should note in case it isn't clear, you'll have to manually run the macro (using Alt+F8) and it will apply the custom formatting to all applicable words.

-- jm


Posted 2012-10-25T21:49:15.373

Reputation: 161