Same keyboard shortcuts for Notepad++ as in Eclipse



As a regular Eclipse user I found it very useful to adapt keyboard shortcuts to match the Eclipse ones (Such as this one: How do I make Notepad++ delete lines like Eclipse does?)

However, as manually changing all shortcuts is kind of tiring and not always sucessful I wondered whether there is an config available that matches Eclipse shortcuts as closely as possible.

Display name

Posted 2012-10-25T08:58:00.790

Reputation: 191

If the settings can be exported, if you're lucky maybe someone has already done this and shared the results for others to benefit. – Karan – 2012-10-25T09:08:29.943

1They can be exported, but someone needs to make a mapping between the Eclipse keywords, and the scintilla/notepad++ keywords for those shortcuts. Not that complicated ultimately, but time consuming. – Gnoupi – 2012-10-25T09:25:10.890

That's why I asked here before doing work that might already have been accomplished by someone else. – Display name – 2012-10-25T15:47:46.453



You can export your current Eclipse keyboard-mapping
(choose from the menu: Window > Preferences > General > Keys > [Export CSV...])
but the "Commands" there are not necessarily named the same in Notepad++.

Also, at the moment (v6.8.8), the Shortcut Mapper in Notepad++ is lacking basic functionality
to sort or find existing actions and their related shortcuts,
not to mention saving/loading shortcut-mappings
(see this discussion in the community for example).

I have tracked my mapping-changes to be saved to this location (in Windows-7) -
which gives me basic ability to copy my shortcut-mappings from one PC to another...


Posted 2012-10-25T08:58:00.790

Reputation: 121


Did you try searching for Custom Notepad++ Keyboard Shortcuts?

Have a look at this link

Richard Muthwill

Posted 2012-10-25T08:58:00.790

Reputation: 1

This is a comment rather than an answer, and the link does not appear to provide any specific information that addresses the question. – fixer1234 – 2014-12-11T05:34:22.980