How to access IEEE Xplore on Lynx browser?


I tried to access a paper via Lynx as follows-


I've sshed in to my college PC where we have IEEE subscription (Also I have set the proxy setting in lynx correctly). I allowed all the cookies as Y. But lynx is giving following error

   Error 500--Internal Server Error

   From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:

   10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error

   The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Please help.


Posted 2012-10-24T17:42:19.783

Reputation: 213

Works great for me; I get a login form. – a CVn – 2012-10-24T17:58:20.500

Thanks @MichaelKjörling. You mean when you access just their main website or a link to specific paper (like I had given example). Also when we use it from college it doesnt give login form, we are "auto" logged-in via institute subscription. – user13107 – 2012-10-24T18:00:08.230

I did lynx, copying the URL from your post, and accepted all cookies. There isn't much else one can do from the outside to reproduce the problem, and I certainly didn't get any HTTP 500 response. – a CVn – 2012-10-24T18:02:46.533

@MichaelKjörling sorry for misunderstanding. I am not sure how to reproduce it somewhere else. It works via Firefox on a PC in college lan (a friend had tried just now). – user13107 – 2012-10-24T18:03:42.237



Fixed it. It was a problem with proxy network in my area.


Posted 2012-10-24T17:42:19.783

Reputation: 213