Possible to use an older tablet with Windows 8?



I have an older tablet with a single touch monitor laying around. Is possible to use the touch features of windows 8 with this older touch technology?

Will I lose a significant amount of functionality by not having a multitouch capable monitor?


Posted 2012-10-22T15:17:19.650


Might help to state how old this is and what it runs now. Better yet, state what the tablet is. – Journeyman Geek – 2012-10-22T15:35:28.257

@JourneymanGeek: Its a thinkpad X61 – None – 2012-10-22T15:37:35.210

You said it was HP ;p – Journeyman Geek – 2012-10-22T15:38:02.060

Doh! Sorry, edited the original question. – None – 2012-10-22T15:39:38.843



Amusingly, someone's done it before, actually, this seems really common looking at google.

Apparently the more common version of the X61 uses a digitiser pen - and using the desktop with it seems tricky since its harder to hover over an area. And yes, its common enough that there are youtube videos of people using windows 8 on an x61.

I think you can decide if its worth the effort based off all this - It might work for you, but it is unlikely to be as easy as a 'real' touchscreen or a mouse.

Journeyman Geek

Posted 2012-10-22T15:17:19.650

Reputation: 119 122

Its Monday morning, and my google-fu appears to be just as down as my MDT server. Thanks for the detailed response. – None – 2012-10-22T15:49:53.137

2Oh, I wasn't suggesting you didn't look. And I certainly wasn't going to leave it at 'LMGFY'. This was actually pretty cool to learn about ^^ – Journeyman Geek – 2012-10-22T15:53:26.970


It should work but it is likely it will simply emulate a mouse (as that was the usual workaround for Windows having no real support) rather than be a "true" touchscreen as Windows 8 would expect.

The features you would lose are mostly gestures such as swiping and dragging to move the screen around or provide extra options, and you would not be able to use pinch to zoom.

Graham Wager

Posted 2012-10-22T15:17:19.650

Reputation: 10 589

Any explanation as to why it will emulate a mouse vs. act like a touchscreen? – Tanner Faulkner – 2012-10-22T15:40:13.463


I have personally attempted to use it with a Dell Latitude XT. The core OS works, as well as the digitizer - however I could not get multi-touch working.

I am afraid to run the official (Dell or ntrig) drivers as they are known to flash firmware and fail (as least has been my experiences). This can at worst brick the digitizer - best case reinstall the OS and try again. There are tools floating around to restore the digitizer, but I don't want to risk it.

I have toyed with the idea of installing it on a Compaq TC1000 just to see what it will do.

Natalie Adams

Posted 2012-10-22T15:17:19.650

Reputation: 2 071


Most of the touchscreen are based on TUIO framework and they generate TUIO events on touch so you can use EcoTUIODriver by Interface Ecology Lab on your windows 8 machine , this will generate the native windows 8 touch events .


Posted 2012-10-22T15:17:19.650

Reputation: 339