MacPorts, how to run "post-destroot" script



I'm trying to install MacPorts gdb; it seems to be poorly supported…

Running "port install" installs it to /opt/local/libexec/gnubin/gdb, but the intent doesn't seem to be to add that to $PATH. The portfile doesn't define any parameters for port select which is typically used to set a MacPorts installation to handle default Unix commands. But it does include these lines:

foreach binary [glob -tails -directory ${destroot}${prefix}/bin g*] {
    ln -s ${prefix}/bin/${binary} ${destroot}${prefix}/libexec/gnubin/[string range $binary 1 end]

This is buried under an action labeled post-destroot. destroot is a MacPorts command but post-destroot is not. The script is apparently not run by port install or port activate, or if it's failing it's doing so silently.

Is there a better approach than creating the links manually?


Posted 2012-10-18T05:05:15.210

Reputation: 197

I suggest that you try debugging something with MacPorts gdb first. There is a high probability you won't be able to debug with MacPorts gdb at all. – Paul – 2012-10-18T07:53:14.480

@Paul Huh, previously when I upgraded by building from source the instructions at worked for the code signing issue, but now it doesn't. Hmmmmm, I'm sure there's a solution for that, though.

– Potatoswatter – 2012-10-18T08:31:07.277

If you find the solution, please share. I hate using outdated gdb 6.3 w/o tui, but wasn't able to make new gdb work. – Paul – 2012-10-18T08:34:47.003

@Paul Will do. By the way, this question turned out to be a non-issue; I've answered myself below. – Potatoswatter – 2012-10-18T08:50:37.987



Woops, the binary was already installed as ggdb. Guess I misunderstood the glob command. However, as Paul noted in comments above, it still doesn't actually work.


Posted 2012-10-18T05:05:15.210

Reputation: 197