Cygwin not operating after new package install?


I installed wget package through setup.exe on my existing Cygwin installation. But the problem is, after rebooting and opening Cygwin, it's not functioning properly. Some simple commands like ls, man, cygcheck are not working now. How do I get it back to working? I think it's a version conflict problem.

Once the setup was completed. I got a warning message and below is the latter part of the setup.log which is related to the warning message.

2012/10/16 22:06:58 running: d:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/ 2012/10/16 22:07:14 abnormal exit: exit code=256 2012/10/16 22:07:14 running: d:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/ 2012/10/16 22:07:29 abnormal exit: exit code=256 2012/10/16 22:07:29 running: d:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/ 2012/10/16 22:07:44 abnormal exit: exit code=256 2012/10/16 22:07:44 running: d:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile /etc/postinstall/ 2012/10/16 22:07:59 abnormal exit: exit code=256 2012/10/16 22:07:59 Changing gid to Administrators

2012/10/16 22:19:00 note: In-use files have been replaced. You need to reboot as soon as possible to activate the new versions. Cygwin may operate incorrectly until you reboot.


Posted 2012-10-16T17:32:14.120

Reputation: 325

And about what are commands like ls complaining? What do you mean with version conflict? The warning message after theq setup is normal. I hope you did a reboot right after the setup. – ott-- – 2012-10-16T18:22:49.020

its 'command not found'. yeah I did a reboot after setup. Now I'm reinstalling the Cygwin with older directory again; hope it will be ok then... – samsamara – 2012-10-16T18:25:35.817

Is your PATH variable ok? ls should be in /bin or /usr/bin. Can you go there and do echo *? – ott-- – 2012-10-16T18:35:56.573

yes it's in usr/bin so echo * should display it. Anyway not I reinstalled it and now its working fine. Thanks a lot for trying to help me out. – samsamara – 2012-10-16T18:39:09.760

if you have time please have a look at this question:

– samsamara – 2012-10-16T18:39:52.443

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