How can I mount an external hard drive in OSX safe boot mode?


Is it possible to mount an external hard drive whilst in safe boot mode? If so, how?


Posted 2012-10-10T23:10:30.467

Reputation: 31



So you need to use: mount /dev/disk1s1 /Volumes/BackupDrive

Where /dev/disk1s1 is the actual system device (the external drive) and /Volumes/BackupDrive is the name under which you can access it. The latter one can be anything, the /dev has to be correct though.

The actual device might be something else then disk1s1, depending on the external drive, and you might have to create the directory BackupDrive, or use something else that's available in /Volumes.


ls /dev

to get a list of devices, your external drive should be there. I think it should be something like disk1s1, or something that looks like it.

ls /Volumes there should be a directory there on which you can mount the drive. Else make one with

mkdir /Volumes/BackupDrive

Hope this helps.


Posted 2012-10-10T23:10:30.467

Reputation: 631