Google Chrome doesn't respond user actions correctly



Recently I've changed my OS to Ubuntu 12.04 (Cinnamon, 64 bits) from Mint 13 (KDE, 64 bits) and one same bug still appears on new installation.

The Google Chrome it seems that don't refresh (repaint) page based on my interactions. Example:

When i'm try comment an Youtube vídeo, when i click on textarea, o cursor don't appear inside of textarea, BUT, when/if i change to another tab and return the cursor appears...OK... If i start write some text...according i'm typing the chars don't appers...again if i change to another tab and return the typed text appears on textarea.

Other cases that this bug appears:

  • Modal boxes link...don't show the modal;
  • Forms inside modal boxes don't show typed chars;
  • The common Discus comment plugin don't work when focused;

I don't have any idea of reason of this bug. (video driver, window manager, Chrome bug ?, i don't know)

Any idea to solve this ?

Additional informations:

Google Chrome   22.0.1229.79 (Official Build 158531)
OS  Linux
WebKit  537.4 (@129177)
JavaScript  V8
User Agent  Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/537.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/22.0.1229.79 Safari/537.4
Command Line     /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end
Executable Path /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome
Profile Path    /home/carlos/.config/google-chrome/Default

Kernel version: 3.2.0-31-generic-pae Ubuntu 12.04

Best regards.

Carlos Spohr

Posted 2012-10-10T14:25:54.373

Reputation: 121

How so ? Can caused by classic video/interface bugs with Window managers on Linux..maybe :/ – None – 2012-10-10T14:44:56.617

Sounds like a bug in your qt GTK theme. What theme are teu using? – caarlos0 – 2012-10-10T16:07:23.310

Try to reinstall it, with the latest version. It should work quite right now. – superuser – 2012-11-17T11:42:16.893



The solution for this case was reinstall to Kubuntu 12.04. All cases mentioned on this answer has been solved.

I've believe that Cinnamon it's the reason of this video bugs.

Carlos Spohr

Posted 2012-10-10T14:25:54.373

Reputation: 121