I'm using a Mac.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for muting the mic during a call?
I can't find one, and I often need to toggle mute/unmute.
Clicking the button on the Skype interface is very inconvenient :(
I'm using a Mac.
Is there a keyboard shortcut for muting the mic during a call?
I can't find one, and I often need to toggle mute/unmute.
Clicking the button on the Skype interface is very inconvenient :(
You can use spacebar to toggle mute/unmute.
Credit: http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=70965&view=findpost&p=2216171
When Skype is focused, Command+Shift+M toggles the microphone.
Ctrl+Alt+Command+ ↑ also mutes the microphone for me, and works globally. However, it's not a toggle; as noted below, it switches to Push To Talk mode, in which the mic is muted by default but will be unmuted as long as Ctrl+Alt+Command+ ↑ is pressed.
I'm on OS X 10.8, with the latest version of Skype as of 10/16/2012.
This should be the selected answer – bheussler – 2015-11-23T16:10:59.577
Perfect, I'd been looking for this for a while - "Control + Option + Command + Up" is the winner! Works globally too, so you don't need to have Skype in focus. – Michael Drozdowski – 2017-04-10T00:55:46.150
I was using this and found this very useful. But since the update of Skype 8 on Mac, this shortcut has stopped working... The Cmd + Shift + M still works tho. Microsoft just made it so embarrassing. – The-Vinh VO – 2018-03-08T04:01:44.430
2Note that the mentioned keyboard shortcut:
Ctrl Alt Command ↑
also functions as Push To Talk (PTT) when the microphone is muted. – mhson – 2012-10-31T08:46:29.487
While the application does not have a built in keyboard shortcut for it you can add one using the Keyboard Shortcuts feature in the Keyboard Preference Pane in System Preferences.
1Thanks! I'm using F15. Easy to find in the dark, and never used anyway :) – lo_fye – 2009-10-01T11:33:58.493
Shift-Cmd-M for me works in Skype 7.59 for Mac, which is the current version (and I really don't remember configuring it myself). You'll find Mute Microphone in the Conversations menu.
See also: Skype's own list.
1The Skype window has to be the one in focus to do this, but it works well. – lo_fye – 2010-09-29T18:33:35.370
Fairly sure this is out of date, try Shift-Cmd-M as per my other answer. – William Turrell – 2018-05-23T13:43:56.657
2Doesn't work at all for me. – echo on – 2012-03-26T21:01:09.310