Disable default Gnome Shell Super Key Mapping



Gnome Shell by default uses the Super (Windows) key to display the activities overview. But I'd prefer to use the Super key to invoke Synapse. Right now I have to press Super+Super+Spacebar in order to invoke Synapse which is annoying (Super+Spacebar is the binding to invoke Synapse).

Is there any way to remove the default Gnome Shell mapping? In the keyboard shortcuts system settings, only the Alt+F1 binding appears for the activities overview action.


Posted 2011-12-17T10:18:34.267


Even though I'd really like to know the answer to this question as well - this should be on superuser. – Omar Qureshi – 2012-01-25T10:17:00.853

go into the code of gnome shell and rip out the code that does the key binding. i could tell you which lines to comment out but i don't want to go digging in that mess. – Dan D. – 2012-01-26T15:44:43.900



I found how to do this here:

Start gconf-editor and set /apps/mutter/general/overlay_key to empty string, then restart gnome-shell.

From gnome-shell 3.4 onwards, use:

gsettings set org.gnome.mutter overlay-key ''


Posted 2011-12-17T10:18:34.267

Reputation: 251

2Gnome 3.8: I was able to use "dconf editor" and change it from SUPER_L to SUPER_R to move it to the right side of the keyboard which is less obtrusive for me. Takes effect immediately, no need to log out. – sherbang – 2013-11-20T19:45:52.240


The way I got round this is in keyboard preferences to set the left windows key to be the meta key and left alt key to be alt.

This means that your left alt key is no longer a meta key - so if you use emacs, you'll need to either have to get used to that change rebind all your Meta keybinds to work on Alt instead.

Omar Qureshi

Posted 2011-12-17T10:18:34.267

Reputation: 101