Why does my computer crash randomly?


Possible Duplicate:
Why all of the sudden is my Processor and Memory Subscore (Windows Rating) abnormally low?

The other day I went out to my van to get my Tower and when I opened the trunk it fell out. I brought it into the house and opened it, and everything looked ok. When I started it up, about 1-3 minutes afterwards it would crash. It did this over and over until I reseated the cooler. Everything seemed normal again, until after about 10 minutes of gameplay (any game), it would crash. I reseated my GPU + reinstalled the drivers, however I still get the same error.

A while back, I'd check my 'Windows Rating' periodically, and all of them were in the '6.0-6.9' range except for my hard disk usage (always been like that [not relative]). Today I went in and looked, and my Processor and Memory was rated 5.4. I reseated my cpu and my memory, refreshed the windows rating, and then my processor and memory went from 5.4, to 5.1. A few minutes ago I reseated them once again, and now it's back to 5.4.

Note: Not sure if this is relevant to the issue, but I updated my bios earlier today

I honestly have no idea what the issue is, but I'm getting aggravated at the problem.

Here are some images which contain images of my specifications:


Thanks for the help

Donavon Decker

Posted 2012-10-04T03:13:44.857

Reputation: 11

Question was closed 2012-10-04T12:21:33.073

Most likely you didn't reseat your cooler properly. Did you remove the old heat sink compound, clean the heatsink and CPU mating surfact thoroughly, and put on new compound? Did you test with memtest86+? – David Schwartz – 2012-10-04T06:13:51.767

1Isn't this your second or third thread about this? – user88311 – 2012-10-04T12:17:11.843

Don't repost questions, please. You can edit them anytime to include further information.

– slhck – 2012-10-04T12:21:57.037

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