This weird behaviour from cronjob


I have set the crontab like this:

*/5 0 * * * /www/

and the /www/ is this:

# We are setting the name of file
# in the variable along with complete path.
sFilePath=`date +\/www\/ChatLogs\/%Y\/%m/%d_%m_%Y.txt`
# First we set its permissions to
# readable by all users, and then
# modify them to be writable by only root.
chmod a=r $sFilePath
chmod u+w $sFilePath
ls -lh $sFilePath

The trouble I am facing is, the cron gets executed after 12:00 PM everyday, instead of executing at 12:00 AM to 01:00 AM, every 5 minutes.

What could be wrong? All my system variables appear to be synced.


Posted 2012-10-03T20:29:16.567

Reputation: 588

Is your system time correct? – Justin Pearce – 2012-10-03T20:55:51.513

Yes. The date command displays: Thu Oct 4 02:31:13 IST 2012 – hjpotter92 – 2012-10-03T21:05:40.990

It’s good that the date command works for you, but do you know whether the system (specifically, the cron process) is running with the same time zone as you? – Scott – 2012-10-03T21:13:34.813

@Scott How do I check that? – hjpotter92 – 2012-10-03T21:50:46.770

Umm...  Put a date command (with output to somewhere you can see it, like a log file) into a cron job.  Make sure you aren’t sourcing your .profile or anything that would set up your environment.  Also, there’s probably some config file you could look in, but even if I knew what OS you were using, I wouldn’t be able to tell you where it is without doing research that’s probably easier for you to do. – Scott – 2012-10-03T22:01:12.800

I've added a date >> ~/log.txt to the script. Will put up the output here. – hjpotter92 – 2012-10-03T22:11:43.443

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