Open man-page with less


Possible Duplicate:
How to let man utility to use less to display manual rather than more?

How can i open up the Man-page for a command with the less-editor?

Alternatively, how can i find the man-page on the harddrive

I've tried using the manpath command but that doesn't seem to exist on solaris. Maybe there is a command to search for the manpage somehow?

Anton Gildebrand

Posted 2012-10-02T09:19:51.197

Reputation: 315

Question was closed 2012-10-02T13:05:40.723

What Solaris release are you using ? – jlliagre – 2012-10-02T09:58:15.060



The man command uses less by default. See man man (hehe). If yours doesn't, you could simply use a pipe like this.

man myCommand | less

Marcus Hedenström

Posted 2012-10-02T09:19:51.197

Reputation: 157

3On Solaris, man doesn't use less by default. It uses more -s. – jlliagre – 2012-10-02T09:56:02.787


Just add export PAGER=less in your .profile or .bashrc or whatever initialization file your shell use.

MANPATH is the variable used by man to find out manual pages.


Posted 2012-10-02T09:19:51.197

Reputation: 12 469


In short

This should give you the path to the man page file:

man -d $ANY_MANPAGE 2>&1 >/dev/null|grep '^found ultimate'


From the man page:

   -d, --debug
          Print debugging information.


man -d $ANY_MANPAGE 2>&1 >/dev/null

gives you a lot of information (the remainder of the command suppresses the actual man page and redirects debugging to stdout).

Example output

$ man -d man

found ultimate source file /usr/share/man/man1/man.1.gz


Posted 2012-10-02T09:19:51.197

Reputation: 3 353

Is the man debugging output locale independent? – Daniel Beck – 2012-10-02T09:49:05.927

As far as the implementation found in debian and suse is concerned: yes (I've found this: fprintf (stderr, "found ultimate source file %s\n", man_file);). But now that you ask, I'm not even sure whether the Solaris implementation provides a -d switch in the first place. – artistoex – 2012-10-02T11:43:46.120

That's why I deleted my earlier answer -- apparently it didn't apply to Solaris. – Daniel Beck – 2012-10-02T11:44:58.593