Put Conky behind the desktop icons


Maybe I am trying do something impossible, but after hours of Googling I didn't get 100% answer yet.

So - it is possible put Conky on Desktop backgroud (behind desktop icons)?

The usual config:

own_window yes
own_window_type normal # (desktop, override) - I have the same result for all this attributes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,sticky,skip_pager

Is giving me Conky with (pseudo)transparent background in front of icons (they are completely hidden behind it, even if in background of Conky is shown background image), while I am trying achieve opposite...

My system:

  • SuSE 11.4
  • KDE 4.4 (Release 3)
  • x86_64

Michal Gow

Posted 2012-09-29T21:32:43.633

Reputation: 69



The pseudo-transparency of conky is achieved by repainting the part of the wallpaper that is covered by conky. Therefore conky can't show desktop icons behind it.

Note that conky is a normal window whithout border and titlebar.

You can, however, make a screenshot of your Desktop without conky and use it as wallpaper so you can see the desktop icons behind conky, but you won't be able to click on them.


Posted 2012-09-29T21:32:43.633

Reputation: 1 528

What kind of cruel prison is this! – dibs – 2015-03-28T21:32:08.420

I've been afraid of this. Pity, it would be nice if Conky would really work on Desktop background, so it wouldn't interfere with workspace at all - and still be showing nice things as a callendar... – Michal Gow – 2012-10-05T13:19:27.237


Yes. you CAN do this.

own_window_argb_visual yes



Posted 2012-09-29T21:32:43.633

Reputation: 11

Can you provide more information on how this is done specifically? – Ramhound – 2016-01-09T18:12:25.193