Default save type for email in outlook 2003


How / Where do I set the default email save type for an email using Outlook 2003?

Right now, it's set to .oft, and I'd like it to be .msg



Posted 2012-09-27T16:51:23.903

Reputation: 796

Great question, but everything I'm reading says you can't do it. The best alternative is to drag the e-mail out of Outlook and into a folder in Windows Explorer. That will automatically save it as a .MSG in that folder. – Kasius – 2012-09-27T17:15:54.967

I come up with the same answers. But I'm not happy with it. There must be a way. I checked on more than one computer. They all have the same list of save types, however, one was .oft, and another was .doc. The fact that they are set differently suggest (to me), that there should be a way. – Frantumn – 2012-09-27T17:18:15.707

Hmm... Try comparing HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office on the two machines. See what values don't match up. – Kasius – 2012-09-27T17:40:14.743

In particular, try seeing if you can find a value called "DefaultFormat" for Outlook on the one that is saving differently. That is the value used by Excel and Word. – Kasius – 2012-09-27T18:42:06.730

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