Macports Apache2 "Could not bind to address"


I have apache2 installed on Mac OS X 10.7.4 via macports

Recently I have not been able to access my localhost directory I get a 404, but I can access

I've tried restarting apache:

sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl stop
sudo /opt/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start

and I get the following errors:

(48)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(48)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443

I've checked that web sharing is off. It seems like apache is already using these points or the service is not stopping correctly.

How can I find out what is using the ports?


Posted 2012-09-24T08:59:16.623

Reputation: 163



The "lsof" shell command can tell you exactly which process is using which files and socket addresses in the system. Just try a

sudo lsof

or, since the output will be a lot, better

sudo lsof | less

and look for something on the http ports. As usual

man lsof

will give you more information on how to customise the output.

Seg Fault

Posted 2012-09-24T08:59:16.623

Reputation: 138

Thanks lsof -i :80 shows processes using that port. Any idea how to fix the Apache errors? – benedict_w – 2012-09-24T09:23:30.187

Well, the only way to let Apache bind to those ports is by getting rid of the processes that are using them, try the 'kill' shell command... – None – 2012-09-24T09:26:17.747

It seems that the mac version of apache has started /usr/sbin/httpd even though I have "web sharing" turned off. If I kill this process it restarts, even though it's disabled in the launch daemons. This seems to be what is stopping the macports apache running. – benedict_w – 2012-09-24T09:47:15.843


For reference, in Mountain Lion 10.8.2, simply stopping the apache2 service did the trick:

sudo apachectl stop

That way the httpd processes won't restart, and the Macports apache2 server will start fine after that.


Posted 2012-09-24T08:59:16.623

Reputation: 31


In my Mac with Mojave (10.14.1), suddenly Apache couldn't serve IPv4 anymore, then gave me ERROR 403.  I tried to kill all apache (sudo killall httpd)... checking the PID's with

sudo lsof | grep AMP | grep apache

even didn't work... just IPv6 was available... still ERROR 403

What works for me: disable macOS’s built-in Apache server.

sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.apache.httpd.plist

after that:

sudo apachectl -k restart

be happy :)


Posted 2012-09-24T08:59:16.623

Reputation: 101