Is there a tool or method to find out, what prevents Windows Vista 32 bit from entering the standby mode? My home pc is set to standby after a certain time of inactivity. But quite often it just stays awake and I have know idea why. I know of things that will keep it awake and already checked devices and network to no avail. I suspect there is some application or service that tells the os to stay active and I hope there is some tool to find the culprit.
1Any 3rd party driver or program running in the background can cause this. I use msconfig to start disabling startup programs and restart the PC to see if it sleeps now. – Moab – 2012-09-24T21:53:51.743
1Also check your devices in the device manager, right click=> properties =>power management=> "allow this device to wake up the computer". In my case, disabling that for a USB mouse fixed this. – terdon – 2012-09-24T21:57:26.447