PHP Zend Hash Vulnerability Exploitation Vector


Possible Duplicate:
CVE-2007-5416 PHP Zend Hash Vulnerability Exploitation Vector (Drupal)

According to exploit-db,, it says the following:


What are "[callbacks]","[1]" and all these stuffs? What should I put in to these stuffs?

Can anyone present a real possible example?

I wasn't asking for a real website; I was asking for a possible example! So, how would address be like - what should I put in to these stuffs, as the question says..


Posted 2012-09-23T06:31:22.290

Reputation: 43

Question was closed 2012-09-23T08:17:23.130

@John I re-posted, because the reason given for closing the post was not the intention I intended. I flagged the post, but there just seemed to be no response. – user41648 – 2012-09-23T06:55:42.807

It would have been good not to use another user account for posting the question. Also, your flag was declined – check in your profile – simply for the reason that the question is still off topic (regarding CMS). Your question might be on topic for [Drupal.SE], but I can't promise. You will have to check their FAQ or Meta site in case of doubt. Cheers! – slhck – 2012-09-23T08:19:26.683



What is a callback?

Answer here.

Examples of real Drupal callbacks?

Many here.

That's as far as I am willing to go.


Posted 2012-09-23T06:31:22.290

Reputation: 1 869