How to correct a screen wrapping around?


I got my hands on a Ubuntu System (which was displaying correctly) and I installed CentOS 6.3. The screen is wrapping around on itself. Any ideas?

See for yourself

Screenshot of the laptop

Sky High

Posted 2012-09-21T11:08:30.357

Reputation: 91

a screenshot or photo would help loads here – Journeyman Geek – 2012-09-21T11:13:56.337

Sorry, new user... :) – Sky High – 2012-09-21T11:31:59.127

I read 'Laptop 15"' but still have to ask: Is it a built-in or an external display? If the latter applies, how is the display connected: digital (< or analog (

– jaume – 2012-11-10T14:54:24.533

It is a built in LCD display. – Sky High – 2012-11-18T06:02:35.423

xrandr recognizes it as LVDS1. – Sky High – 2012-11-18T07:12:16.617



I had the same issue with CentOS 6.3 with a 19" Samsung monitor.

I solved this by changing the resolution in /System/Preferences/Display/ to 1280×720.


Posted 2012-09-21T11:08:30.357

Reputation: 21

I don't get an option to change the resolution. It is stuck at 1366x768, which is the LCD's native resolution. – Sky High – 2012-11-18T06:01:41.200