Line break within a wiki link?


In Mediawiki, how to insert a line break within a wikilink?

Context: An otherwise nicely balanced table is distorded (one column is very wide while the other columns are narrow) because of a very long wikilink. So I would like this link to be split in two lines.

This breaks the line, but the text is not rendered as a link:


Nicolas Raoul

Posted 2012-09-19T05:50:44.510

Reputation: 7 766

Maybe setting widths of the columns would be a better solution?

– svick – 2012-09-19T10:17:51.040



The problem is that you're using the same text both for link text and link target. The HTML tag can't appear in a link target, so the wiki assumes you didn't mean to generate a link.

You need to specify text and target separately:


Isaac Rabinovitch

Posted 2012-09-19T05:50:44.510

Reputation: 2 645