Notepad++ saving to a full hard drive


I do a lot of my web development in Notepad++ on a Windows XP machine. The development happens on a remote server (Windows 2003) used for a variety of jobs, so it often fills up.

When the hard drive is full and I save a file, I do not receive any sort of error in Notepad++. Everything appears to save normally from the application. However, the text file save as an empty file, likely because there is no space to save the changes.

I usually catch the problem when I refresh my web browser and see a blank webpage. Occasionally though, I close the file after a quick edit, and if the data was not saved, it is lost.

Is there a setting in Notepad++ to alert me if the file was not saved correctly? Is this something that should be checked at the OS level?


Posted 2012-09-17T14:34:47.347

Reputation: 1 774

The OS should tell the application (notepad) and it should tell you. – ctrl-alt-delor – 2012-09-17T14:51:41.523

2I would tell you to get a better editor but where would you put it. – ctrl-alt-delor – 2012-09-17T14:52:13.580

This sounds like a problem with Notepad++. I would either provide more storage space to the server, set the default location location to some other storage device, or find a better tool that doesn't have this problem. – Ramhound – 2012-09-17T14:53:48.867

Have you considered saving the file locally and copying it to the server? You would then get a copy error to let you know it did not work. – CharlieRB – 2012-09-17T15:21:29.760

@CharlieRB I'm trying to avoid adding steps to the save process. Copying over the file afterwards would work, but I hope that's a last resort. – dangowans – 2012-09-17T15:58:59.567

@richard I've gotten quite used to using Notepad++, and don't want to abandon it just yet if there's a way I can get an alert. – dangowans – 2012-09-17T16:01:16.240



This is a bug within Notepad++, the bug #2891 Zero file length when saving to a full drive, was reported in 2010 (or years ago from your question date). It's been marked as open, though not assigned yet. If the problem is irritating, perhaps consider donating to the team, they may help you out.


Posted 2012-09-17T14:34:47.347

Reputation: 1 737

That bug description looks like my problem exactly. I guess if it's a known bug and it's still open, then at this time, there is no solution. Thanks for the info. – dangowans – 2013-02-15T19:38:02.180