How to use cepstral swift for tts instead jovie in kde L?


So I'm running KDE settings, in kttsmgr.

I go add Talker, and try to add a swift talker:

/opt/swift/bin/swift -p "speech/rate=180" %t -o %w

..per the instructions here, which I suspect are out of date.

But when I go OK, it says invalid talker and wipes the settings.

How can I make Text to speech in KDE use the cepstral speech engine ?


Posted 2012-09-11T02:41:28.880

Reputation: 208

Does that command work from the command line (if you replace %t with the text and omit -o %w) – Paul – 2012-09-11T03:09:44.450

yes, but of course you have to change the %w to a file name to write to like tmp.wav .. and %t to the text you want to speak out loud. I thought it might be the "speech marks" but removing that part didn't help. I think that the latest kde needs some api backends rather than just allowing shell commands. – matiu – 2012-09-11T06:41:28.367

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