How can I save my multiple tabs session in an xfce4-terminal?



So I usually have tons of tabs open in terminal sessions and every time I open a new terminal I have to manually open up all tabs. This is pretty annoying.

I checked man xfce4-terminal but it didn't say anything about saving a session. Is this possible?


Posted 2012-09-07T23:36:44.167

Reputation: 395

An alternative would be to create a custom launcher that opens all the tabs with places that you wanted. This assumes you always want the same locations – Keith – 2012-09-08T00:02:10.337

That sounds doable. How would I do that? Would you happen to know any howtos/tutorials? – c00kiemonster – 2012-09-08T00:22:36.963



You can create a shortcut with pre-defined tabs like this:

Terminal --geometry=100x40 --hide-menubar --hide-toolbars -T "Host1" -e "ssh -t root@host1" --tab -T "Host2" -e "ssh -t root@host2"

But something like that in the Command line of the shortcut editor dialog.

To have each tab have a different working directory you can do it this way:

Terminal --working-directory=$HOME/tmp --tab --working-directory=$HOME/src --tab --working-directory=$HOME/opt

Not that the first one doesn't have a --tab before it, making it associate with the new top-level window. Then two additional tabs with different working directories.

Try to avoid using ~ expansion, as that is a shell feature that may not work in other context (such as custom launchers).


Posted 2012-09-07T23:36:44.167

Reputation: 7 263

How could I open one new terminal window with let's say three tabs showing three different directories (~/myuser/code, ~/myuser/logs, ~/myuser/backup)? Perhaps I have misunderstood the meaning of working-directory, but I thought that would do the trick but I can't get it to work... – c00kiemonster – 2012-09-15T04:01:54.107

Thanks much for the edit. Turns out $HOME was the piece I was missing, works as advertised now. – c00kiemonster – 2012-09-15T23:37:01.610


This solution deploys one window with multiple tabs and processes.

I created a startup script (,

xfce4-terminal --maximize --title='Neovim' -x bash -c "nvr -s; exec bash"
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='psql' -x bash -c "psql -d zzz; exec bash"
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='Cypher-shell' -x bash -c "cd /mnt/Vancouver/Programming/data/hmdb; exec bash"
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='Cycli' -x bash -c "source activate py35 && cycli -P *** -u *** -p ***; exec bash"
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='Py3' -x bash -c "source activate py35 && python; exec bash"
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='bc' -x bash -c "bc; exec bash"
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='ud' -x bash -c "pacaur -Syu; exec bash"

that when executed starts xfce4-terminal, maximizes it, and launches the various programs as indicated.

Regarding "exec bash", above see:

I.e.: if you start a window in screen that runs a command, keep that window open ...

Here is an animated GIF, showing those tabs in action!

xfce4-terminal from script with tabs, programs preloaded


This is my current script (you can download it here:

# vim: set filetype=sh :
# vim: syntax=sh

# /mnt/Vancouver/programming/scripts/

set -e

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This one first:

# Python as basic calculator: 1/3; import math; 2*math.pi; ...
xfce4-terminal --maximize --title='calculations' -x bash -c "python; exec bash"

# ... then (these will open as child tabs in the parent terminal window, above):

# Open my (current) project directory:
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='bash'  -x bash -c "cd /mnt/Vancouver/projects/ie/claws/; pwd; ls -l; echo ''; exec bash"

# Start Neovim:
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='neovim' -x bash -c "nvr -s; exec bash"

# Open ripgrep tab (echo sample command), for fast searches in that director:
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='ripgrep' -x bash -c "cd /mnt/Vancouver/domains/; echo rg . -i -e \'1903.03243\'; exec bash"

# Open an Arch Linux update tab:
xfce4-terminal --tab --title='ud' -x bash -c "yay -Syu; exec bash"

Victoria Stuart

Posted 2012-09-07T23:36:44.167

Reputation: 355