I have a normal LCD monitor as my primary monitor and an HD LCD television as a 2nd monitor (connected through HDMI). I also have a set of normal speakers for the computer (a Windows 7 machine) that I previously used (before I was using the TV as a 2nd monitor). When I am using the TV as a 2nd monitor, I would like audio to come from it. However, I'm oftentimes using the TV as a TV, in which case I would like the audio from my computer to come from my speakers. Is there any way to accomplish this?
It seems that if I have the TV set up as the default audio, then even if I turn the TV off (or, more likely, to the input from my cable box), then the audio still goes through that rather than my speakers. Is there a solution that does not require me to manually change the settings every time I want to switch contexts?
As far as I know, all devices have to be HDMI v3 to detect/change power states. – Keltari – 2012-09-10T17:25:49.533