Is there a way to turn my computer into a bluetooth keyboard?


Possible Duplicate:
Use laptop as bluetooth keyboard?

Here are the facts:

  • I have a computer (hurray!)
  • It has a working bluetooth chipset
  • It is running Linux (Debian)
  • My tablet (an iPad, but it probably doesn't matter) supports bluetooth keyboards

Is there a way of turning my computer into an bluetooth keyboard ? That is, can I make my physical computer keyboard available to my tablet through bluetooth ?

Also, If you have a solution that involves Windows, I'm willing to take that too :)


Posted 2012-08-28T14:03:15.837

Reputation: 307

Question was closed 2012-08-28T19:30:27.950

Exact duplicate of question linked in the answer. iPad vs PS3 is only a minor difference that probably doesn't affect the question itself. (and if so it would be more about the specific table and thus off topic here on SU anyway) – Baarn – 2012-08-28T19:30:27.037



See: Use laptop as bluetooth keyboard?

Someone suggested using hidclient


Posted 2012-08-28T14:03:15.837

Reputation: 127

1Next time better flag the question for being a duplicate. – Baarn – 2012-08-28T19:29:18.350