bootstraping a SparkleShare project


I just tried SparkleShare as a possible replacement for dropbox/insynch. It looks quite promising, being based on open standards.

I was wondering if someone has gone though the process of "bootstraping" a SparkleShare project. I have the initial files I would like to keep synchronized on two clients and the server (as plain files). I was wondering if there would be a way to set a project up so that I would not need to download/upload all the files back and forth (as they are readily available on all three systems). I guess this would involve some git kung-fu I am far from mastering.



Posted 2012-03-19T10:08:08.597

Reputation: 1 580



The tutorial on the SparkleShare front page worked for me:

Setting up a host

SparkleShare uses the version control system Git under the hood, so setting up a host yourself is pretty easy. Using your own host gives you more privacy and control, as well as lots of cheap storage space and higher transfer speeds. We've made a simple script that does the hard work for you:

# Run all of the following commands as the root user on
# a Debian or Red Hat based Linux system

# Fetch the Dazzle script
curl \
  --output /usr/bin/dazzle && chmod +x /usr/bin/dazzle

# Run the initial setup
dazzle setup

# Link SparkleShare clients using their link codes (found 
# on the client in the SparkleShare folder)
dazzle link

# Create a new project. Add as many as you need
dazzle create PROJECT_NAME

If maintaining your own host isn't for you, there are also existing project hosting sites like Github or Bitbucket that are compatible with SparkleShare (keep in mind your projects will be public unless you're on a plan).

After that, just install your clients, and follow the on-screen instructions.


Posted 2012-03-19T10:08:08.597

Reputation: 8 599