How can I perform OCR from the command line?



I need to perform OCR on the a backend of a website on a Linux machine with printed text.

I read the other related questions here, so I tried tesseract, wich is considered as one of the most accurate amongst the open source ones, but it was very inaccurate for me.

I also heard about ABBYY, which is said to be very accurate, but it's extremely expensive. 3500€ for a usage-limited license is way too much for me.

So, here are my requirements:

  • I need to be able to work on Linux with the command line.
  • I need to recognize Hungarian language documents.
  • I do not want to spend more than €1-2k for a licence with unlimited usage on one machine.


Posted 2012-08-25T12:24:08.377

Reputation: 111

What exactly are you trying to OCR, printed text? handwriting? – ewanm89 – 2012-08-26T12:01:52.540

Printed text. Actually receipts. – mimrock – 2012-08-26T12:31:38.587

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