when checkout a previous commit, Is there a quick way to input the log commit hash?



It's really tedious to type the following command:

git checkout 622fe0a9b6bffdf4723026ae6e673245b510ac66

Is there autocomplete or shortcut to do this?


Posted 2012-08-21T04:00:45.870

Reputation: 869

1@Mechanicalsnail I'm using oh my zsh! – mko – 2012-08-21T05:04:04.290



Note that you have a ton of shortcuts which avoid entering the SHA1 altogether.

The short SHA1 are mentioned in "Git Tools - Revision Selection", but git rev-parse section on "SPECIFYING REVISIONS" mentions also (small extract):

  • master@{5}: the 5th prior value of master
  • master~3 A suffix ~<n> to a revision parameter means the commit object that is the <n>th generation ancestor of the named commit object
  • :/fix nasty bug names a commit whose commit message matches the specified regular expression
  • master@{yesterday}, HEAD@{5 minutes ago}: specifies the value of the ref at a prior point in time.
  • ... and so on.

So if you known when or where you old commit is based on the current branch, for instance, you have other options.


Posted 2012-08-21T04:00:45.870

Reputation: 13 292

+1. I'd recommend that you get familiar with the treeishes VonC has linked to in his answer. They're much more effective than partial or complete SHAs. – Noufal Ibrahim – 2012-08-21T05:41:17.733


If you only enter the first few characters, it'll work as long as it's unambiguous.


Posted 2012-08-21T04:00:45.870

Reputation: 151

Copy/paste seems to be the fastest way ;) But yes, you can just type in the first X characters until you have specified an unambiguous commit ID. I've never had to enter more than 6 characters. – MichaelM – 2012-08-21T04:27:04.037