I want to buy a wireless Bluetooth headset, but I am worried about the sound quality when it's connected via Bluetooth. All other things being equal (e.g. the quality of the headphones themselves is the same), is there a noticeable impact on sound quality when it's connected via Bluetooth, compared to an analog audio jack? What about between the Bluetooth headset and a wired headset when the Bluetooth headset is wired (plugged into the jack)?
I am looking for knowledge about the pros and cons of Bluetooth audio and analog audio in terms of quality.
16To reviewers: Instead of voting to close this question, please feel free to edit the question to remove the shopping recommendation. Look at my answer: there is a general, non-shopping lesson to be taught here about 3.5mm TRS vs. bluetooth audio. It's on-topic for SU when you take away the product comparison and talk about the underlying technologies. If anyone can reshape the question in that light, be my guest. But I'd recommend against voting to close. – allquixotic – 2012-08-21T14:20:19.417
I recently bought a Bluetooth speaker and sound quality is noticeably worse than when using the jack. Also there is about half a second lag, which makes watching videos impossible (lips don't move in sync with speech). Of course this will depend on the codec and device, but overall I would advise against it. – Laurent – 2013-09-01T13:32:24.770