strange language-change of explorer.exe


I did a really stupid thing when trying to fix a ransomware problem on a Win XP SP3 (Swedish) computer (Microsoft Defender Offline didn't work. Neither did Kaspersky recovery disc). Anyway at the time I believed that explorer.exe was infected. So to make a long story short I deleted it and tried to get it from another Win XP SP3 (swedish) computer. I eventually got rid of the ransomware but even though I copied the file from another swedish SP3 machine. Some text are in spanish (or some other language I don't know) which I do feel is very strange. What could the problem be?

Niclas Nilsson

Posted 2012-08-20T19:59:45.187

Reputation: 255



Instead of copy the explorer.exe from another computer use the computers own cached version from c:\WINDOWS\System32\DllCache. You will not be able to do this when running Windows on that computer. You could do one of the two following things:

  1. Boot up the computer from some Linux Live CD (or a Windows PE environment) and overwrite the file.
  2. Put the harddrive in another computer and boot from it instead and then copy the file.

It did work great for me.

Niclas Nilsson

Posted 2012-08-20T19:59:45.187

Reputation: 255