I have a current version of Windows 7 Professional where everything is working just fine. I have Visual Studio, Sql Server Enterprise and a number of other software development tools installed. I was thinking of upgrading my PC. Is it possible that I could get a new PC with Win7 Pro and then take my existing PC and just create a Virtual PC from it. Move that to my new machine and then just be off and running as a Virtual PC on the new computer. If this works, I would think it best to just keep running this way. Then in the future if I upgrade I can just move the Virtual PC and voila. Is this possible?
Upon further research it appears the Virtual PC cannot access the full capabilities of the root machine. E.g. cannot use all CPU cores. Since I need my builds to go as quick as possible it looks like Virtual PC is not a great option. – time – 2012-08-29T21:41:47.150