Can OS X's Command-Tab behavior of switching only between different apps and not including multiple instances of apps be changed?


Possible Duplicate:
Switch between windows on Mac OS X?

In Windows, you switch between active windows with Alt-Tab. This behavior includes all running apps and all instances of each app. So if you have Calc open and 3 instances of Excel, there are 4 items to switch through.

In OS X, Command-Tab switches between apps but does not include multiple instances of each app - only the active instance. So if you have Calc open and 3 instances of Excel, there are 2 items to switch through. Command-` is used to switch between multiple instances of an app.

Can OS X's Command-Tab behavior be changed to work like Alt-Tab does in Windows?


Posted 2012-08-10T21:13:12.207

Reputation: 1 438

Question was closed 2012-08-10T21:19:26.630

1@Daniel - My question wasn't how to switch between all apps and all instances of each app in OS X, it was asking how to modify Command-Tab's behavior so it does that. – Howiecamp – 2012-08-10T21:25:08.530

To clarify, the difference between your question and the other is that you don't want to use a different tool or a workaround to achieve your goal? I decided to close this as a duplicate since it's essentially the same question. A positive answer to your question could be posted there as well. – Daniel Beck – 2012-08-10T21:30:23.420

1@Daniel - Ideally I'd find out how to change the behavior of that sequence. Finding an alternative is 2nd best. If I use the other question, I am pretty much guaranteed to not get the answer to my main question. Here's the solution - that question should be edited to include my additional detail. I don't have enough points to do it. Can you? Also, can you change the closed message - it isn't an exact duplicate. Thanks. – Howiecamp – 2012-08-10T22:13:38.730

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