Is there a keyboard shortcut to indent a nested bullet point in a table cell the proper way?



Open Word and insert a table (1 x 1 will work just fine).

Right-click in the table and, in the context menu, select "Bullets" and a bullet image from the bullet library.

enter image description here

Type something and press enter.

Type something else, but, instead of clicking enter, right-click and select "Increase Indent"

enter image description here

Notice something else moves into the proper indentation of a nested bullet:

enter image description here

Outside of a Word table, you would simply press tab to get this behavior, but I want a keyboard shortcut (if available) to do this inside the table.

This is what I've tried:

  • Ctrl + Tab: Just indents the text, not the bullet
  • Ctrl + T: Same as Ctrl + Tab
  • Ctrl + M: Indents the text and the bullet but does not change the bullet style

Can this be done outside the right-click context menu?


Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 1 387



In at least Word 2010, you can use Shift+Alt+/ to increase/decrease the indent in a bulleted or numbered list.


Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 936

5On Mac, this is [Shift] + [Ctrl] + arrow. – Gijs – 2015-11-17T14:45:57.223

1Works great on Word 2013 (Windows) – Freddie Fabregas – 2017-02-20T19:46:00.333

1Work great on Word 2016 too! You make my day! – Luke – 2018-01-19T03:02:56.617

When combined with @user222101's comment, this is a perfect solution. Enter twice to go up/left a level, and Shift + Alt + -> to go down/right a level. – hotshot309 – 2013-08-13T16:11:20.917


Press Enter twice. It works. The first one creates the next nested line at the current indent, but the second stroke decreases the indent to the previous indent and section heading.


Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 131

this only works one-way, but is still a good tip. +1 – ray023 – 2013-05-06T13:26:56.540

1Shift+Tab also works, as well as Control+Shift+Left/Right Arrow [Mac] – user222101 – 2013-05-07T20:07:41.133

@user222101, for me, Shift + Tab moves me to the left one table cell and selects the content of the cell. – hotshot309 – 2013-08-13T16:04:40.347

This i a very simple (and effective) solution to move up one level when on the second level (or deeper) in a bulleted list, inside a table. It even remembers where you have the margins set for each level, if you customized them (which I always do when bulleting inside a table, to avoid extraneous leading whitespace). Thanks! – hotshot309 – 2013-08-13T16:09:21.377


For mac word 2011 also see,

  • Cmd+Shift+M to decrease indentation of bullet
  • Control+Shift+M to increase indentation of bullet

Jeromy Anglim

Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 642

In Word for Windows, this does not change the style of the bullet to the default for that indent level. See the other answers if you want that. – Tom Hale – 2016-08-01T04:06:41.823


You can record a macro (using the Developer tab), and assign it to a keyboard shortcut combination. (Using the Macro Recorder is the easiest way to set this up, but you could also just insert the command Selection.Range.ListFormat.ListIndent in the macro VBA.


Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 2 322


For Word 2011 for Mac the combination that works is:

control + shift + Left/Right Arrow


Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 303


You might also try Alt+Right Arrow. It's bound to function IncreaseIndent in Word 2010.


Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 4 774

1did you try this before you suggested it? – kmote – 2012-08-10T19:15:47.567

Absolutely. And it works for me. – Fran – 2012-08-10T19:18:09.357

UPDATE: The Alt+RightArrow works for me in a table, but TAB doesn't. Thought I had tried it in a table before. I've editted my answer accordingly. – Fran – 2012-08-10T19:21:43.207

3neither method works for me (also running Word 2010 on Win7). – kmote – 2012-08-10T19:24:54.513


Alt+Shift right arrow/left arrow works for me inside a table!


Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 11


option + command + arrow left/right

Bao Ton

Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 1

While not stated, the context of the question makes it clear this question is about Windows, while your answer is about Apple. – music2myear – 2017-09-13T18:51:56.270


Increase indent.. TAB Decrease indent.. SHIFT + TAB


Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 1


Welcome to superuser: While this may or may not answer the question,(an answer has been accepted) it would be a better answer if you could provide some explanation why your solution works with detail and an easy to follow instructions. If you feel your answer is correct do these things and re-edit. Please take a couple of minutes and read:- .Answering:, again welcome to superuser.Thankyou

– mic84 – 2018-02-02T10:22:03.133

Did you notice that the question says ‘‘in a table cell’’?  Have you tried this in a table cell? – G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica' – 2018-02-02T22:40:23.480


shift + tab is the shortcut to decrease the bullet point level

Emily Rumpf

Posted 2012-08-10T14:27:11.340

Reputation: 1

2Nope, doesn't work inside a table, which is the context in which the question is being asked. – I say Reinstate Monica – 2018-11-26T01:08:35.677