Most of the computers in the house are used up to a maximum of five or six feet of the router. However, my iPad cannot get a good signal through a couple of walls.
Here's what I have:
- Linksys WRT54G2 with DD-WRT (currently in use with boosted TX power)
- Linksys WRT120N with stock Linksys firmware as DD-WRT does not support it (not in use)
The second router has 802.11n capability. Does using a router on wireless-N only give better range compared to wireless-G on the same hardware?
I cannot use the WRT120N on 802.11n exclusively without any support for 802.11g because one of the computers in the house does not support wireless-N. The settings don't allow me to select a G plus N mode.
Can I use both these routers together? I tried using the DD-WRT one as a repeater, but streaming was slow. I don't really need to stream videos, but it will be a plus. What I was thinking of doing is to somehow plug the two together and keep them together, with the old laptop taking advantage of the G mode and everybody else using the N mode from the other one. Is there a way to do this with only the hardware listed above?