How do I send SIGKILL on cygwin in GNU Screen?



I have recently started using GNU screen on cygwin, but the functionality to terminate a foreground process with CTRL-C does not seem to work when there is an active screen session. Is there a workaround for this?

Rich Ashworth

Posted 2012-08-09T07:22:47.157

Reputation: 197



If you mean to terminate in the screen it-self, you could try the following shortcut:

Ctrl-A, k

It will send kill signal to the process (additional confirmation is required).

Press Ctrl-A, ? to see more options.

Other methods:

You can suspend the job:


and it'll return you the job ID of that process

To continue the process in foreground, you can run:


In the background:


If you want to kill it:

kill -9 %1

(replace 1 with your job ID).

Note: Don't forget about % sign, otherwise you'll kill something else.


Posted 2012-08-09T07:22:47.157

Reputation: 16 795

Thanks for the response - unfortunately this didn't work when I tried it though. Control-Z did not seem to suspend the job - the screen session just hangs when I press that. Is there anything else I could try? – Rich Ashworth – 2012-08-09T09:41:40.017

updated the answer. – kenorb – 2012-08-09T10:08:24.197