How to disable context menu shadow in KDE 4?


I don't like context menu shadows in KDE 4. Is there any way to disable those?

Nikolai Golub

Posted 2012-08-07T19:22:07.277

Reputation: 175



I've looked all through the settings, and, sadly, couldn't find a way. Context menu shadows are not connected to window shadows...

But you may completely disable compositing/special effects (Desktop Effects – KDE Control ModuleActivation) and that will get rid of all the shadows... and lots of other eye-candy.

Oleh Prypin

Posted 2012-08-07T19:22:07.277

Reputation: 825


Run kcmshell4 style (also available somewhere from the menu in the System Settings application) and select a style to customise. QtCurve has many settings related to shadows.


Posted 2012-08-07T19:22:07.277

Reputation: 1 072