How can I copy fonts from images in Gimp 2.8.0?


Question/Title sums it up.

How can I copy fonts from images in Gimp 2.8.0? I'm using/running the Windows version of Gimp.

I have dozens of images that I'd like to copy fonts from just to experiment/tinker with.

Here's a sample image:



Posted 2012-08-05T00:32:24.920

Reputation: 623

What kind of images? What do you mean by "copy"? You want to take the pixels of the text in the raster image and somehow transform those into a useable font file? Please edit your question to be more clear. You don't have to provide all your dozens of images; one example is better than none... – iglvzx – 2012-08-05T00:57:00.540

All sorts of images mainly in common formats like jpg/jpeg/jpg. What do you mean by "raster"? – Chris0089 – 2012-08-05T01:00:35.943

See: Raster Graphics - Wikipedia

– iglvzx – 2012-08-05T01:05:31.937

I added a hyperlink pertaining to a sample image. – Chris0089 – 2012-08-05T01:06:33.923

3@Xavierjazz This is not spam. Just a poor question stemmed from naïveté. – iglvzx – 2012-08-05T01:22:45.713



It's not automated processes, but you may be able to convert the letters in the image to a font if you proceed as follows:

  • Remove unnecessary regions of the image
  • Convert the image to grayscale
  • Clean up the image by applying suitable filters
  • Copy each letter to a vector graphics programme (such as inkscape)
  • Use the trace bitmap function to generate a vector representation of the letter
  • Copy or import your vectorized graphic into a font-creating program such as fontforge.

How-tos on the subject can be found here or here.


Posted 2012-08-05T00:32:24.920

Reputation: 832


Simply put: you can't. The image file, being raster, is just a collection of pixels with colors: it has no information about which fonts are used.

What you could try is a service like WhatTheFont, which (claims to) be able to identify which font is used in a text. But (as noted in a comment), for better results, the background behind the text needs to be (mostly) the same color.


Posted 2012-08-05T00:32:24.920

Reputation: 7 463

1One thing about WhatTheFont is that the background behind the text needs to be mostly the same color. – iglvzx – 2012-08-05T01:15:39.167