Change color of URL in dropdown menu of Firefox's address bar


I am using a GTK theme with some dark elements, which causes problems in some applications. One of them is Firefox: the URLs in the drop-down menu of the address bar are dark blue on a black background, as in the picture:

enter image description here

How can I change this color, or the background color, without changing my GTK theme? I remember that once was possible to do with the userChrome.css file, but I can't find it again.

I am using Firefox 14.0.1 under Linux.


Posted 2012-08-03T04:47:34.647

Reputation: 7 463



Based on this answer, installing Stylish and the Firefox fix for Shiki-Colors the problem is solved without needing to tinker with .css files.

how looks like now


Posted 2012-08-03T04:47:34.647

Reputation: 7 463


The solution to this without installing add-ons is to modify userChrome.css.

If userChrome.css doesn't already exist in your profile/chrome/ folder (or if the chrome folder doesn't exist either) you have to create it:


Then add something like:

.autocomplete-richlistbox {
        background: #808080 !important;
        color: #000000 !important;

And restart Firefox.


Posted 2012-08-03T04:47:34.647

Reputation: 41


In case someone still has this problem, here's my style for Stylish to fix the blue links in Numix theme.

Here's how it looks like now:

Firefox Numix fix

Andrew Dunai

Posted 2012-08-03T04:47:34.647

Reputation: 101


Starting with Firefox 48 the next simple Stylish script fixes colors of URLs and action texts in the popup list of the urlbar and color of "Show All Downloads" button:

@-moz-document url-prefix(chrome://browser/content/browser.xul)
  #PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .autocomplete-richlistitem .ac-url-text,
  #PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .autocomplete-richlistitem .ac-separator-text,
  #PopupAutoCompleteRichResult .autocomplete-richlistitem .ac-action-text,
  #downloadsHistory {
    color: #2998ff !important;

where you can change the color to another.

Additional lines for URLs in RSS preview:

#feedHandler a {
  color: #2998ff !important;


Posted 2012-08-03T04:47:34.647
